The Legacy Haggadah

Insights from Gedolim whose Torah is their Legacy
Categories: Coming Soon  Haggados  

The Legacy Haggadah was created to honor and share the wisdom of some of our revered Gedolim who, for reasons known only to Hakadosh Baruch Hu, were not zocheh to have children as their legacies. These Gedolim spanned continents and generations; by bringing their timeless divrei Torah to life, we create a powerful connection to the past, thereby bringing forth untold zechuyos. Some of the Gedolim included in this masterful publication are the Zera Shimshon, the Sabba Kadisha, Rav Meir Shapiro, the Aish Kodesh, the Satmar Rav, the Yismach Yisrael, and the Chazon Ish, zechusam yagein aleinu.

Invite them to your home and your table; speak their words of Torah at your Seder; be their child, thus allowing them to advocate on your behalf as a parent would.

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PublisherDistributed by Feldheim
Number of pages296
Item #8726
Binding typeHard Cover
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