Open Gates to Pesach and the Haggadah

Pesach is an opportunity for us to make a fresh start in life and renew our love for Hashem. This is the time of year when Hashem shows His great compassion for us by choosing each one of us to be a part of His holy nation and taking us out of the spiritual constriction Egypt. However, many of us have questions regarding the deeper meaning and practical avodah of Pesach that prevent us from connecting to the awesome light that is revealed during this extraordinary holiday. The Open Gates to the Yomim Tovim series provides answers to these questions through the amazingly profound and relatable teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.


Nowadays, the light of Rebbe Nachman is spreading throughout the world and illuminating the hearts of the Jewish people. Breslov sefarim are awakening the masses to serve Hashem with joy. This series is the key to unlock this amazing wealth of Chassidic wisdom. With sections of questions and answers, letters of chizuk, in-depth articles, and the full text of the Haggadah in Hebrew and English with in-depth commentary, Open Gates to Pesach will help the reader bring their spiritual yearning into action and discover the incredible treasure of this uplifting holiday.


Come and taste the inspiring teachings of Rebbe Nachman that will transform your experience of the Yomim Tovim!

More Information
PublisherDistributed by Feldheim
Number of pages288
Item #8714
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight1.719000 lbs.
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