Zeh Kaporosi - The Custom of Kaporos

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The minhag of Kaparos is widely practiced, often discussed, and occasionally criticized. Interestingly, it is usually misunderstood – even by those who perform the ritual every year. With amazing depth of scholarship and research, and an engaging easy-to-read style, Avrohom Reit has created another masterpiece: full of new information and sources for the scholar, practical suggestions and tips for the practitioner, and inspiring explanations for the beginner. This volume will change your perspective, enrich your practice, and deepen your entire process of coming back to Hashem. Includes details on “kisuy hadam” and detailed illustrated instructions on Kashering chickens.
More Information
Dimensions(' x 8"
PublisherMosaica Press
Number of pages163
Item #6923
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight1.810000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. Fascinating
    This book tops the cake with its fascinating presentation of why we shlug Kapporos.

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