Wine, Whisky, and Halachah

A Halachic Overview to the Laws of Wine and Whisky, including scotch whisky matured in Sherry casks
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Categories: Purim  Kashrus  

HaRav Shraga Kallus has gained renown as an authority in Halacha from the thousands of Shiurim he has delivered. His Shiurim cover all areas of Halacha, in which the most complicated of topics are made clear, with instant application to everyday life. This book is based on the Shiurim given in the "Second Seder Kollel", and now they take on the form of a written work, by his close talmid, Rabbi Avi Slansky.

In this work, the extensive and at times complicated laws of Yayin Nesech, wine affected by a non-Jew, are explained; from the original sources, to the practical rulings in real-life cases. Wine is integral to many functions of Jewish life, and inevitable results in a myriad of questions.

  • After the waiter poured me a cup of wine, I realized the bottle I ordered was non mevushal.
  • The 'cleaning help' moved the wine, now what?
  • I'm hosting a Kiruv event, what if a participant pours himself a glass of wine?
  • What is the story with Scotch in Sherry Casks?!

These are just some of the issues addressed, in regard to a topic that both its stringencies and its leniencies are widely unknown. This book is reminiscent of the Shiurim themselves, enjoyable to 'listen to' and relevant to daily life. Its ease of use, with original sources quoted, and most importantly in utmost clarity, brings refreshing understanding to even difficult concepts. This combination makes this work accessible to the layman, as well as a decisive work for the accomplished scholar.

The book includes an innovative separate section detailing the potential issues of Scotch Whisky matured in Sherry Casks. It features alphabetical listing of over two hundred and fifty Scotch Whiskies and their Halachic rulings, with color pictures for easy reference - a first of its kind!

More Information
PublisherDistributed By Feldheim
Number of pages172
Item #7586
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight1.100000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. A must have sefer!
    An easy to read guide about the Halachos of wine and schnopps.
    A must have sefer in every home for every home uses wine for Yom Tov and every home celebrates simchos with a Lechaim

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  2. Informative - Pertinent - Easy to Understand - A Must Have
    ​Kudos to the author for his excellent explanation on what can be thought of as "difficult halachos" Topics including Yayin Nesech, Yayin Mevushal & Stam Yeinum are clearly laid out and explained in an easy to read format. With Purim approaching the topic of Scotch Whiskey aged in Sherry Casks is explained in detail that even the layman can understand. With color pictures of over 250 Scotch labels in an easy to reference format, deciding what to drink is easier than ever. A must have addition for all. ​

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  3. Great Book!
    Read it and loved it. So clear and easy to understand. Yasher Koach to the author.

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  4. Excellent & informative
    Incredibly clear & interesting; the perfect book to buy for Purim/Pesach!

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  5. i read it and love it
    It was written amazing and clear. highly recommended.

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