Why Bad Things Don't Happen to Good People

Finding Light in the Darkness
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Why Bad Things Don't Happen to Good People addresses one of the most frequently asked questions of all time. After the passing of his wife at a very young age, leaving him with four children under the age of nine, Rabbi Shaul Rosenblatt spent years finding the balance between his overwhelming pain of loss and his concurrent appreciation that everything God does is for the best. Why would an all-loving 'good' God do something seemingly so 'bad' to him and his young children? The answer is that He didn't.

With this premise, Why Bad Things Don't Happen to Good People expertly tackles the most challenging topic of all time. With a light and sometimes humorous style, and through sharing his own personal story of loss and recovery, Rabbi Rosenblatt provides an answer to the almost unanswerable question. He will challenge your conceptions as he delivers a remarkable and powerful argument that in fact, bad things simply don't happen to good people!

Why Bad things Don't Happen to Good People is a must-have in every Jewish home!


"I couldn't put it down… I have every confidence that Why Bad Things Don't Happen to Good People will be well received."

Rabbi Michel Twerski

"I am sure this book will be of assistance to so many people who are faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, and can breathe new life into those who have succumbed to despair."

Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits

"This is a work of courage and faith that will give courage and faith to those who read it and absorb its hope-filled message."

Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

"It is extremely enjoyable and readable while being profoundly insightful."

Rabbi Noah Weinberg

More Information
PublisherAdir Press
Number of pages128
Item #7397
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight0.870000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. Excellent
    This is a great book that is very easy to read and does a good job of answering some very difficult questions and providing a relevant Torah outlook.

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  2. Excellent book
    I couldn't put the book down. It is written in a very personal way which makes it even more powerful. Rabbi Rosenblatt answers many fundamental questions in a clear and down to earth way. Many thanks for such an excellent book.

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  3. Unbelievable book that really gave me chizuk during my mother's illness with cancer.
    I would really recommend this book to anyone needing to understand pain, difficulties and illness. I found this book in the bookstore the day I found out my mother was diagnosed with cancer and it has helped guide me through the process of caring for her ever since.

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  4. Fantastic
    Absolutely terrific book with a deep and powerful message. A must read!!

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