Vedibarta Bam, #1 (Hebrew Only)

A Monumental Work of Practical Contemporary Halacha
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Categories: Halacha  

More than 14 years in the making, this monumental publication contains thousands of halachik sources clarifying hundreds of contemporary sugyos in halacha. With a focus on Orach Chayim & Yoreh Deah, each siman contains relevant comments, analyses, and insights of HaRav HaGaon R' Dovid Feinstein, Shlita, as heard and understood by the author while learning and discussing these sugyos. This sefer will help you better understand hundreds of sugyos relevant to halachah l'maasesh.

Features & Highlights:

  • An invaluable clarification of many psakim & teshuvos of the Igros Moshe.
  • A convenient, comprehensive index that references every source.
  • Written in a manner that makes the material accessible to Talmid Chochom and Ben Torah alike.

More Information
PublisherDistributed by Feldheim
Number of pages894
Item #5220
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight3.625000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. if i could give 10 stars i would give it
    amazing sefer . very clear

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  2. If you want to know R' Dovid's psakim....
    then you have to get this sefer. BM learned w RDF for years and then wrote this work. The RH never writes haskomos for sefarim but he wrote one for this work.
    The work is set up in a SH"UT style and every piece has the psak from RDF in it.

    I think that this volume is worth it's weight in gold.

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