Understanding the Alef Beis

Insights into the Hebrew Letters and the Methods for Interpreting Them
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Open your eyes to the hidden wisdom and secrets of the universe embedded within the letters of the alef-beis! Using various methods of interpretation, the author shows the symbolism and intricacy of the letters, bringing out the penetrating allusions to world events and facts which are all encrypted in the Torah. This book is a fascinating read, full of novel insights along with classical interpretations of the Sages in this arena. Explores Gematriah, the properties of the letters, analysis of large and small letters, and numerical values, triangular values, and multiplication methods.
More Information
PublisherDistributed by Feldheim
Number of pages368
Item #6481
Binding typePaperback
Weight1.200000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. mrs grosz' store
    it was such a pleasure and an honor to be able to add my art work to my daughter's book. someone told me that her eighteen month old loved listening to the story and looking at the pictures. i read it to my aunt rosiland who is 93 kinayin hora and she loved it, too. and i cry everytime i read it; so i guess you could say it appels to a wide audience!

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  2. Rabbi Moshe Eisemann only gets better!
    "This one is a real page turner", said Rabbi Moshe Eisemann of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel of Baltimore as he handed me a copy of his latest book, Music Made in Heaven. I smiled. This I had to see. (Or Read)

    Rabbi Eizemann has written more then 15 books on topics such as Tisha Bav, Parenting and raising children, and I had yet to find a page turner.

    Rabbi Eiseman is my Rebbi. He was my Rebbi for the 10 years I spent in Ner Yisroel and he is my Rebbi now that I am married and working. I read his books to learn from him, but they are a bit too academic for my liking. However with Music Made In Heaven, Rabbi Eisemann has written a really good sefer which took me for a smooth an thrilling ride.

    Rabbi Moshe Eisemann has truly published a wonderful book about David Hamelech, Mashiach, Tehilhim and music made in heaven.

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  3. Understanding the Aleph Beis
    For many of us - in the early, formative years - it may have been our first encounter with any formalized learning. And looking back, those lessons may be among the most valuable we will ever experience in our lives.
    What lessons am I talking about? Learning the alef-beis. Mastering the Hebrew alphabet.
    After all, once you've learned the alef-beis, all sorts of doors begin to open: letters combine to form words, words turn into p'sukim, p'sukim join together to become texts, and before you know it - Chumash, Mishnah, Halachah, Siddur, Meforshim - the accumulated treasury, insights, and knowledge of generations of Sages are there at your fingertips, and all because - at a very tender age - you mastered the 22 building blocks of the Hebrew alphabet.
    Any alphabet, really, is an amazing learning tool. The ability to record, articulate, and communicate simple or complex thought through an organized system of symbols - is an awesome accomplishment.
    But as great as the accomplishment is, this is where Hebrew, and every other alphabet in the world, simply part ways. The Jewish nation is an Am Kodosh and the Hebrew language is loshon hakodesh - the sacred tongue. All languages are of human origin. Loshon hakodesh - the Hebrew language - is of Divine origin, as the Zohar states: "Hashem looked into the letters of the Torah and created the universe." Having been created by the Al-mighty, the letters of the alef-beis are inherently holy; they are the spiritual building blocks of creation and contain infinite depth and wisdom.
    To treat, understand, or merely employ the letters of the Hebrew alphabet - in the same manner we would any other language - would be an error of immense proportion. So, it's time to learn the alef-beis all over again.

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  4. Best Book on Hebrew Letters out there
    No other book offers the depth of explanation on the Hebrew final letters or even nikudos! Anyone interested in Gematria and deeper meanings of Hebrew Letters, this is THE sefer to get.

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