The Water Castle

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Categories: Breslov  
There was a castle made of water. It had ten walls, one inside the other, all made of water. The floors inside this castle were also made of water. This castle also had trees and fruit, all made of water. It goes without saying how beautiful this castle was, and how unusual. A castle of water is certainly something wonderful and unusual. The Water Castle is one of the most intriguing images of Rebbe Nachman’s classic story, “The Seven Beggars.” Equally intriguing is the hero of this story within a story, the Beggar With No Hands, who is able to penetrate all ten walls of water and save the Princess within. But Rebbe Nachman’s goal in telling this story is not just to entertain. What is the real meaning of the Water Castle? Reb Noson, Reb Nachman's main disciple, unlocks the mystery in his original teachings based on Torah and Kabbalah. In classic Breslov fashion, Reb Noson takes in the sweep of time from the act of Creation all the way to the present, showing us how the secrets of the Water Castle impact our own lives today. This volume presents the Hebrew text and English translation on facing pages of three parts of Reb Noson's Likutey Halakhot - Tolaim (Laws of Worms) , Pesach and Rosh Hashanah . Thus it is perfect for self-study. Here, Reb Noson shows how Rebbe Nachman's mystical teaching in story form sheds light on these halakhic topics and by extrapolation, many key issues in Torah, avodah (Divine service) and the inner transformation of the spiritual seeker. This material has never been translated before, and includes full annotation with original commentary and source references from a wide range of Torah works.
More Information
Dimensions5.4 x 8.3
PublisherBreslov Research Institute
Number of pages256
Item #7017
Binding typePaperback
Weight0.690000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. Brilliant Exposition of Rebbe Nachman's tale!
    I don't think that I will be ruining the plot if I reveal the essence of the explanation that Reb Natan (Rebbe Nachman's foremost disciple) provides to this surreal story. Rebbe Nachman spoke of a princess chased by an evil king, to be rescued by a beggar with special powers.

    This is a allegory that anyone with spiritual aspirations can relate to: the story of the inner soul, captured and assailed by the desires and frustrations, the pettiness and cruelty of everyday life. And the story of the soul's ultimate rescue; with the cosmological background of Creation, the Breaking of the Vessels, and the world's messianic redemption.

    Rabbi Dovid Sears' translation - and this is not a simple book to translate by any stretch of the imagination - is professional and superb. The language flows, the technical terms are accurate.

    Warning: this book contains a lot of Kabbalistic terminology and concepts. With scholarly footnotes and explanatory tables in the back of the book, Rabbi Sears makes a valiant attempt to present and clarify the esoteric aspects of the book. But even if, like me, you are not an expert in Kabbala, this work has much to offer. One certainly gains an appreciation for the depth and wisdom of Breslov Hassidut.

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