The Science behind the Mishnah

The Science Behind the Mishnah invites you on a fascinating exploration of Maseches Berachos, where Torah wisdom meets scientific discovery. Rabbis Joel Padowitz and Jonathan Sassen bring the Mishnayos to life by revealing the natural phenomena described within, offering a fresh perspective that connects timeless teachings with the intricacies of the physical world.

Journey through the Mishnah’s captivating discussions on everything from the nature of twilight and the physics of sound waves to the chemistry of wine fermentation and the biology of digestion. Understand why the sky appears blue, how lightning forms, and the unique nutritional properties of bread. This volume features engaging illustrations, detailed diagrams, and a comprehensive glossary, making complex concepts accessible and enjoyable for all learners—whether young students or seasoned scholars.

With The Science Behind the Mishnah, enrich your Torah study with a deeper appreciation for the harmonious relationship between Torah and the natural world, sparking intellectual curiosity and spiritual growth.

“This is a superb book. It stands out…both for its content and its presentation.”

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz, physician, author, and lecturer

“Parpera’os L’Chochmah … is invaluable for the youth of our time, providing them with a clearer, deeper understanding of the words of Chazal.”

Harav Asher Weiss, Rosh Yeshiva, Darchei Torah

“So many Gemaras come alive once we understand the realities being discussed, and then, of course, the niflaos haBorei, the wonders of nature that the Creator created as a vehicle for developing and enhancing our ahavas Hashem. The book is both exciting and inspiring.”

Harav Yitzchak Berkovits, Rosh Yeshiva, Aish HaTorah

About the authors:

Rabbi Joel Padowitz has been involved in adult Jewish education for more than twenty years, specializing in the interface between traditional Judaism and modernity. He currently lives and teaches in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Previously, he served as rabbi for the Aish HaTorah young professional community in London. Rabbi Padowitz studied for many years under Rav Chaim Z. Malinowitz, zt”l, and received his rabbinic training from Rav Yitzchak Berkovits and the Jerusalem Kollel, where he was one of the founding seven avreichim. He received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and his MBA from Bar Ilan University. As a student, he won first place at the US National Science Olympiad and was honored at the White House by President George H.W. Bush for outstanding achievements in science.

Rabbi Jonathan Sassen completed both his undergraduate degree and graduate-level studies at Oxford University, where he earned a first-class BSc degree in Metallurgy and Material Science. He then studied at Yeshiva Darche Noam (Shapell’s) for a number of years. He received his semichah from Rabbi Shmuel Katz and currently lives and learns in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Jonathan is the Chief Technology Officer for Epsilor-Electric Fuel, where he has worked for over thirty years in electrochemical research, development, and manufacturing of next-generation batteries. He has a keen interest in science, archeology, and their intersection with Judaism.

More Information
PublisherMosaica Press
Number of pages318
Item #8606
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight2.644000 lbs.
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