The Hirsch Tehillim

Extensively Revised Edition
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For thousands of years, Sefer Tehillim, King David’s Book of Psalms, has expressed the emotional and spiritual yearnings that accompany us throughout life - on a deeply personal, and transcendent level. And like all sacred texts, the verses of Tehillim are profound, complex, challenging, even mysterious, and call for commentary. Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, whose approach is based on his unique analysis of the meaning inherent to the sacred letters and words of the Hebrew language, creates a monumental commentary that reveals the relevance, power, beauty, and grandeur of Sefer Tehillim. Rabbi Hirsch is one of Judaism’s greatest and original thinkers, and this modernized, thoroughly revised translation of his classic commentary offers readers a wealth of insight and understanding into the timeless teachings of Sefer Tehillim’s .

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PublisherFeldheim Publishers
Number of pages1180
Item #2697
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight2.560000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. An inspirational work. one of my top favorite books.
    I first found this book in the local free library. I was immediately glad I found such a book. After reading it for a while wanted the book for my own. Hirsch provides insight after insight and I felt I was spending time in a holy place when reading this book. It is truly food for the soul. Read it and reread it. He is a true scholar, a teacher to be treasured.

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  2. beautiful

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  3. Daily study for the last year
    I first encountered Rabbi Hirsch's writing with his "From the Wisdom of Mishle" and was impressed by his combination of wisdom, scholarship, piety and common sense. Each paragraph was an invitation to meditation and further study. In his hands, the proverbs became a guide to life.

    I began reading his Psalms some nine months ago and find myself comparing his presentation with that of other scholars and commentaries. His work outshines all that I have studied to date. My mother once said that a man should be like a mountain lake, very pure, very clear, and very deep. His commentaries make the simple clear, and yet -as with a mountain lake - that clarity can be profound. I expect that I will be reading and re-reading Rabbi Hirsch for the rest of my life. And each time I open one of his works I will find something simple, something clear, something profound - and something new. I am a better man for having known him through his words.

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  4. Not to be rushed...
    A work of this stature must be savored in the quiet times we set (please G-d) aside to study and meditate. This is not just a book, but a record of a lifelong golden thread of thought in the heart of a great Rabbi and Tzaddik. Don't hesitate. Purchase it and tresure it for a lifetime. As you grow it will grow with you.

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  5. Buy this book
    An incredible book - how can someone read/learn Sefer Tehillim without it? Rav Hirsch's insights are penetrating and vital for us. Just one example - 'yeshua' - translated all over as 'salvation'. Well, what is 'yeshua/salvation' anyway? We'd better know because we ask for it numerous times each day in our tefilot! As he does throughout this sefer (and as he is renowned for doing throughout his works) Rav Hirsch examines the root of this word and explains just what it is we're aspiring to/asking for.

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