Of all the festivals of the Torah, Sukkos is arguably the most elusive.
On the one hand, we refer to it as “zman simchaseinu,” the quintessential time of celebration. Yet on the other hand, it is not clear what exactly we are celebrating.
The mitzvos of the festival are likewise enigmatic.
- What lies behind the mitzvos of sukkah and the four species, with all their specifications and details?
- · What is the reason for the special water libation in the Beis Hamikdash, and why was it accompanied by such great festivity?
- · Where do Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah fit in with all of this?
- · And what about Hoshanos, Koheles, Ushpizin, and Hoshana Rabbah?
Drawing on a broad range of classical sources from across the generations, this book provides the reader with new and profound insight into all the above elements, as well as how they come together to form the “symphony of Sukkos.”
“Overflowing with insight…gives the reader the opportunity to attain a deeper connection with the holy days of Sukkos.”
Harav Asher Weiss
“Discusses all aspects of the moed of simchah…we gain an overarching sense of the broader meaning of this Yom Tov.”
Harav Ahron Lopiansky
Born and raised in London, Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein learned in Yeshivas Ateres Yisrael, Jerusalem, and received his rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Chaim Walkin. Rabbi Bernstein currently teaches in Yeshivas Machon Yaakov, Jerusalem, as well as in various seminaries, and gives a popular weekly shiur on Chumash that is open to the public and available online. He is the author of seven books, Teshuvah: A Guide for the Heart and Mind during Elul, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur; Aggadah: Sages, Stories and Secrets; Darkness to Destiny: The Haggadah Experience; Purim: Removing the Mask; The Call of Sinai: A Deeper Look at Torah, the Omer, and the Festival of Shavuos; Chanukah: Capturing the Light; and Dimensions in Chumash (Mosaica Press). He lives in Jerusalem with his family. Visit Rabbi Bernstein at www.journeysintorah.com.