Strengthen Your Emunah

Developing a Meaningful Relationship with Hashem. Based on the Shiurim of Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer
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In a confusing, turbulent and increasingly amoral world, faith is our only anchor.

But what is faith and how does one attain it?

How can one maintain emunah despite challenges and tribulations?

Rav Yitzchok Fingerer has impacted thousands through his writing and lectures on Torah hashkafah. Filled with stories and parables, Strengthen Your Emunah reveals the secrets to a more fulfilling and tranquil life by discussing:

  • Knowing G-d and loving Him
  • Proof of the Torah's veracity
  • Science and Faith
  • Evidence for G-d
  • How to bring Mashiach …and much more!

Join Rav Fingerer on a thrilling and fascinating journey toward a deeper and closer relationship with Hashem.

More Information
PublisherFeldheim Publishers
Number of pages136
Item #7468
Binding typePaperback
Weight0.906000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. Another outstanding book by Rabbi Fingerer
    I was really intrigued by the subject matter covered and loved the way each topic was carefully explained via a Torah perspective. I appreciated the user-friendly flow of how Rabbi Fingerer's book was written. I think this book should be a mandatory read for everyone attending or once attended a yeshiva.

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