Sefer Zos Brisi
Chizuk and Guidance in Matters of Kedushah
This groundbreaking work, written specifically for teenage boys and men, deals with a topic that is crucial to our spiritual growth. In nineteen lucid, very readable chapters, the subject of maintaining our purity in thought, word and action is presented in a sensitive and inspiring way.
The book is divided into three sections: The Challenge, which explains the greatness of maintaining moral purity versus the spiritual damage of not doing so; Dealing with Nisyonos, which cites an array of sources on why we are tested spiritually and stories of those who overcame great tests in this area; and Battle Plans which outlines ways to overcome such tests and paths of teshuvah for those who have previously failed.
This book, adapted by Rabbi Shimon Finkelman from the Hebrew, bears approbations from Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rav Mattisyahu Salomon and Rav Yaakov Hillel. The thousands of copies sold of the Hebrew version, bear witness to how its contents are of great benefit to all. It is also an indispensable handbook for mechanchim whose students confide in them when dealing with these challenges.
The book is divided into three sections: The Challenge, which explains the greatness of maintaining moral purity versus the spiritual damage of not doing so; Dealing with Nisyonos, which cites an array of sources on why we are tested spiritually and stories of those who overcame great tests in this area; and Battle Plans which outlines ways to overcome such tests and paths of teshuvah for those who have previously failed.
This book, adapted by Rabbi Shimon Finkelman from the Hebrew, bears approbations from Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rav Mattisyahu Salomon and Rav Yaakov Hillel. The thousands of copies sold of the Hebrew version, bear witness to how its contents are of great benefit to all. It is also an indispensable handbook for mechanchim whose students confide in them when dealing with these challenges.
Dimensions | 6" x 9" |
ISBN | 9781680250077 |
Publisher | Distributed by Feldheim |
Number of pages | 224 |
Item # | 7128 |
Binding type | Hard Cover |
Weight | 1.263000 lbs. |
Customer Reviews
- Kol HaKavodVery very good sefer. It is written straight to the point but in a uplifting fashion. Thousands will benefit from this masterpiece. Thank You for publishing this book!!!!
Posted on
- WOW!!!This is the first time I have ever written a review for a book...
I feel compelled to write something about this book. The topic is probably the most important topic for our technology savvy generation. This book doesn't stress the negative by talking about punishment etc. rather only encouraging and uplifting. I never knew that there were so many sources on this topic. The best part of the book is the many letters from the Steipler Gaon.Posted on
- ExcellentI read it 3 times...well written and I believe every Yeshivah should add it to its learning seder.
A classic!Posted on
- only book on this topicI just read and reread the book about four times. It is so amazing in the way it deals with this issue, in the most articulate and sensitive fashion. Had I had this book several years ago it would have saved me from so many Averius. Better late then never....... Tizku L'Mitzvos!!!!!
Posted on
- FantasticThis is probably the best English-language sefer on the topic. It is full of chizuk and practical advice, without the "fire and brimstone" and preachiness that one would expect to see in such a work. Rabbi Finkelman has an amazing talent for capturing the reader's heart with his lucid and sincere writing style.
Posted on
- about timeThis book is long overdue. There has been a need for it for many years due to challenges in technology and other challenges in our generation. Thank You for being the first one to write a book on this matter!!!
Posted on
- AWESOMEThis is a groundbreaking Sefer. It is written in a encouraging and positive fashion. I just read the entire book from cover to cover and it is uplifting. It has some very special Haskamot as well. The book encourages us how to deal with the challenges of our generation. I strongly recommend this masterpiece.
Posted on
- This book is full of chizuk! Written so well! Thank you for writing the sefer!!!This great sefer has the power to be mechazek anyone that opens it. It reads very well-with great vocabulary. Kudos to the author! May you have a life full of happiness and success!
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