Rechush Gadol Haggadah

Categories: Pesach, Passover  Haggados  

Your treasure awaits you!

Follow the Haggadah — the map to our infinite inheritance, a gift from Hakadosh Baruch Hu that was presented with love upon our miraculous departure from Mitzrayim.

This fascinating sefer, with its unique insights into the Haggadah, will take you on the journey of the redemption from Mitzrayim as you’ve never experienced it before. With Haggadah shel Pesach: Rechush Gadol, you will connect to all that is your heritage as a beloved member of the Chosen Nation.

"There is no doubt that the masses will be enlightened by this sefer" (translated from the Hebrew haskamah).
Hagaon Harav Eliyahu Brudny, shlita

Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Schechter grew up in Brooklyn, NY, and went to Yeshivah Chaim Berlin. He has a very close connection to Rav Hillel David, shlita, and is a talmid of Rav Asher Dovid May, shlita. He currently lives in Monsey, NY, with his wonderful wife and children. He has given shiurim on various topics, as well as has published sefarim both in English and in lashon ha’kodesh. He is constantly looking for new ways to spread the Torah Hakedoshah. He is currently working on sefarim to give people more in-depth understanding regarding mitzvos and minhagim that we perform.

More Information
PublisherMosaica Press
Number of pages505
Item #8183
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight2.000000 lbs.
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