Rebbi Nachman's Tikkun, Large

Categories: Breslov  
Depression is one of the greatest problems facing contemporary man. Yet most of the remedies people resort to, do not seem to work. That is hardly surprising, because escapist solutions— from material pleasures to medical stimulants and other drugs— do not go to the essence of the problem. When man abuses his God given powers he brings a flaw into himself and the whole creation. This is what stands in the way of his happiness.

The Hebrew word Tikkun means a remedy. Rebbe Nachman's Tikkun attacks the flaw at its very roots, drawing on the most powerful creative force in the universe: song. The varied selections in this volume show the profundity of the wisdom on which the Tikkun is based. It is Rebbe Nachman's legacy to searching generations, a legacy worthy of the name he gave it: The Complete Remedy.
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Dimensions5.5" X 8.5"
PublisherBreslov Research Institute
Number of pages298
Item #6879
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight1.110000 lbs.
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