Talking About Personal Privacy

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This book was created to help even the most skittish parent engage in an honest, positive and upbeat discussion about the dignity and respect with which our bodies are to be treated. Each beautifully illustrated page is designed to provide a launching pad for a family discussion about the topic of child safety, even while adhering to the highest notions of tzniyus.

Development of Talking About Personal Privacy took place over a number of years during which some of the leading mental health professionals of our times, respected rabbonim and askonim generously shared their expertise and wisdom and graciously allowed Project Innocent Heart to turn their ideas into the wonderful book you now hold in your hands.

Project Innocent Heart is committed to significantly reducing the incidence of child victimization
throughout our communities and has created comprehensive programs to generate awareness of the issue, heighten sensitivity to recognize signs of abuse and disseminate the knowledge necessary to make our communities safer. However, the single most effective element in reducing victimization among our precious children is talking to them about it in just the way it is presented in this book.

To reap the full benefits of Talking About Personal Privacy, look for a Project Innocent Heart Parent Seminar coming soon to your community and make sure to sign up. Our kids are worth at least that much.

"It is our responsibility as parents to teach our children about all aspects of safety. Talking About Personal Privacy helps parents address an aspect of personal safety that is critical in our generation and should be required reading for all children. The book's clear, simple, and age-appropriate lessons will help to open lines of communication that, until now, have often been locked behind a wall of uncertainty and fear. I urge parents everywhere to study and internalize its lessons and then take the time to utilize this book as a beautiful opportunity to protect and to grow even closer to their children."
-- Rabbi Yaakov Bender, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Darchei Torah

More Information
Dimensions8.7 X 12
IllustratorShepsil Scheinberg
PublisherDistributed by Feldheim
Number of pages40
Item #7067
Binding typeLarge Format
Weight1.050000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. Hatzalas Nefashos for the Neshama
    This book is incredible! It is friendly, fantastic illustrations and gives over the messages we all want to give to our children in a safe and empowering way.

    My 8 year old son (who loves Shepsil Sheinberg's illustrations) was looking though it (again) and commented "This book has very good messages and is a very important book to have in our house" !

    Revolutionary. Empowering. Informative. Age appropriate. Safe.

    Bracha Goetz and Project Innocent Heart-yasher koach!

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  2. Fantastic! Incredible
    I read the book to myself first to make sure it was what I had hoped it would be and then read it with my 2 young children (7 and 5). This amazing book, with such great pictures, opened up such an important conversation I always wanted to have with my kids but was not sure how. It gave me the chance to to share such important lessons on privacy and it opened up both of my children to talk to me. The concept of special things are kept private like a Sefer Torah and a Mezuza and since I am special parts of me are also private was a great lesson. Then page after page about proper behaviors with a strong message to children about talking to their parents with clear easy steps for my kids to learn and follow made this book one of the best books I have in my home.

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