Nefesh Shimshon: Shabbos Kodesh

Making the Most of Shabbos: Inspiring insights into the meaning and purpose of Shabbos
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He captivated audiences around the world with his brilliant lectures, and now, for the first time in English, Rav Pincus's discourses relating to Kedushas Shabbos are available in one illuminating volume. Meticulously prepared for this written edition, these essays not only capture the personal, dynamic spirit of his oral presentations, but also the essence, meaning, and purpose of Shabbos.

Filled with marvelous insights into Chazal, wonderful parables, and first-hand experiences, these heartwarming pages are able to touch the heart, raise the spirits, and change the lives of any who read this inspiring volume. Also included: a special section where you personally accompany Rav Pincus on Shabbos to observe and learn from his own unique practices. Read Nefesh Shimshon and rekindle the joy, delight, kedusha and brochah that Shabbos has to offer

More Information
PublisherDistributed by Feldheim
Number of pages323
Back in stock dateMar 14, 2025
Item #6696
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight1.710000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. Must read
    I began to listen to Rabbi Pincus' lectures years ago, and was thrilled when Feldheim began publishing his books in English. There is no way for me to describe what his ideas and teachings have done for me and my life. He has given me totally new perspectives on making life meaningful, connecting with G-d, and how to live life every day and in every situation. This book on Shabbos will give you what you always wanted for your Shabbos but didn't know how to access it

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  2. It changed a lot on how I prepare for Shabat and enjoy it
    It is a MUST to read. That simple.

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  3. Meein Olam Habba-
    I always loved Shabbat but I just never knew why until Reb Shimshon Pincus A"H illuminated my life with this wonderful Sefer. The Rabbi A"H elaborates so eloquently the power and Kedusha of Shabbat Kodesh. The Sefer takes you on a journey how to prepare for Shabbat Kodesh, how to spend Shabbat Kodesh with maximizing its abundant Beracha and how to elegantly escort the Shabbat Queen. Making the most of Shabbat will reward us and give us the Zechut to form an everlasting spiritual relationship with our Creator, our King, our Father the One and Only Melech Malchei Hamelachim Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Amen.

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  4. Extremely important book
    This book doesn't just talk about Shabbos, or enumerate cute little vorts that sound nice but are then forgotten - it gives you a totally reinvigorated sense of what Shabbos truly is and how it's supposed to be spent; giving you not only the opportunity to pick your Shabbos out of boredom and "routeness", but to spend it like Hakodosh Baruch Hu meant it to be spent - as a day in strengthening your closeness and relationship to Him, and understanding why.

    Shabbos is such an important day - as R' Shimshon Pincus himself says in one of the chapters - the SIGN of a frum/religious Jew is a "shomer Shabbos" - one who keeps Shabbos. It's not "shomer tfila" or anything else. That's because Shabbos is the focal link of a Jew to Hashem and it's what defines us as being HIS, unlike any other nation. Why is this? What's so special about Shabbos that it's put on such a caliber? Read the book. It's certainly changed my Shabbos and I truly believe the rest of my week as a result.

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  5. :)

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  6. a must buy, shabbos chaning sefer!
    for those looking to enhance their shabbos and grow in ruchnius,this sefer has what youre looking for

    it will increase your shabbos and truly transform your life by doing so

    must read a chapeter on or right before shabbos!!!!

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  7. I loved it
    This is a great book! Practical and inspiring. It made a difference in my life.

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  8. Amazing!!
    This book is really amazing. Its simple, clear style makes it easy to read. Every single word in this book is inspiring. It has really changed my Shabbos!

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  9. Editor's Pick
    I have long been entranced by the duality of Shabbos-its sublime loftiness floats astride its concrete physicality. We imbibe the holiness of the holy day even as we feast on delicacies. It is hard, at times, to separate the two and integrate the material and the spiritual in this haven in Time, this brief slice of heaven on earth.

    Those who were privileged to hear Rav Shimshon Dovid Pincus speak in person have drunk deeply from the waters of "heaven on earth" even in the course of the mundane week. His penetrating insight and down-to-earth perspective on all things marked him as a beloved teacher and supreme Torah scholar. And when it came to Shabbos, Rav Pincus' heart was aflame and he spread this bren, this fire, to multitudes of students.

    When I came upon Nefesh Shimshon, I was drawn to its subtitle. "Making the most of Shabbos: Inspiring insights into the meaning and purpose of Shabbos." Shabbos-related books occupy an entire bookshelf in my home with several more devoted to the weekly Torah portion which also fall under the "Shabbos" category. But there was something striking about this particular volume with its tempting subtitle. Who doesn't seek to "Make the most of Shabbos"? It was only after I began to flip through the pages that the power and beauty of the book truly hit me and my excitement grew. In short order, the book became awarded a prominent place near the dining room table, and I'm happy to tell you why.

    There is writing comprised of words, and there is writing comprised of heart. Rav Pincus does not simply "speak"; he breathes life into thoughts and ideas and there is a tangible enthusiasm conveyed in his words. The title for the work, "Nefesh Shimshon" could not be more appropriate. It is as though Rav Pincus' very being reaches out to the reader, drawing him in gently and patiently to tap into the fount of holiness that Shabbos truly embodies.

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