Meged Yosef, 2 Vol (Hebrew Only)

Categories: Tanach  
Many years have passed since the author printed the first edition of the Sefer "Meged Yosef" - some of his innovations and insights on the Torah, that were delivered during his lectures in Yeshivas Me'or Eliyahu in Kiryat Telz-Stone. Now, we present a new, much expanded edition - seven hundred pages brimming with insights, in two elegant volumes, arranged according to the Parshios. This unique compilation brings the scholar "lomdus" along with "vertlach", intellectual ideas along with Mussar thoughts, in the method of the renowned Telshe Yeshiva.
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Dimensions01/03/02 05:00 AM
PublisherFeldheim Publishers
Item #5550
Weight4.340000 lbs.
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