Every year, young and old gather at the Seder table to bring the story of the Exodus to life. The tale we tell tonight lays the foundations of our emuna and avodas Hashem for the entire year. It has the power to invigorate our avodas Hashem and make the Jewish faith a living reality, for ourselves and our children.
But how can we find new meaning in a story we already know? Many of us search through stacks of Haggados for insights that will add depth to our Seder experience. Without realizing it, we lose sight of the story itself, and its life-changing messages escape us.
The Pesach Haggadah: Living Our History shows us that the meaning we search for lies in the words of the Haggadah themselves. It reveals the hidden depth of the story we thought we knew, and shows its personal relevance to the life of every Jew.
Rabbi Reuven Leuchter, a prominent disciple of Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe zt”l, is one of the leading educators and baalei mussar of our generation. Rabbi Leuchter has served as Mashgiach in several yeshivos. Today, he heads a kollel for budding scholars, and delivers shiurim and mussar “vaadim” throughout Israel and abroad. In addition, he trains future rabbis for rabbinic or kiruv careers with Ner Le’Elef.
Dimensions | 7.5 x 7.5 |
ISBN | 9781680251111 |
Publisher | Ayal Press |
Number of pages | 140 |
Item # | 7757 |
Binding type | Hard Cover |
Weight | 1.190000 lbs. |
- MasterpieceMore than half way through and enthralled by the style and content! Throughout the sefer the Mashgiach introduces 1 theme and carry's it through the entire Haggodah! What a story and amazing lesson that can be learned, taught and transmitted to all ages! A must buy for those invested in their personal growth. Ashreinu shyesh lunoo Rebbe Kazeh!
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