By the Hand of Hashem

The Miraculous Life of Rabbi Yaakov Friedrich
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Categories: Holocaust  

“To Let the Next Generation Know…”

Only someone living in Europe during WWII can describe it.

In this captivating memoir, Rabbi Yaakov Friedrich relates the miracles and hashgachah pratis that accompanied him every step of the way in his unpredictable journey through Belgium, avoiding capture, living in the shadows, always trying to stay one step ahead of the Nazi beast.

This bold and vivid story, steeped in emunah, gives testament and offers chizuk to a light that shines, even through life’s darkest moments.

More Information
Dimensions6 x 9
PublisherFeldheim Publishers
Number of pages224
Item #7882
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight1.310000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. This book is really of my best books that i ever read
    I did read an article a few years ago about Rabbi Friedrich in the Mishpacha. I was so happy to be able to buy his new book. It is incredible how much miracles he head in his whole life.
    I would recomend this book for everyone!

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