Becoming A Ba'al Bitachon

A journey through Sha'ar HaBitachon of the Chovos HaLevavos
  • Is learning about bitachon really necessary? Isn’t it enough to just believe in Hashem?
  • What exactly is bitachon? What am I supposed to believe and feel?
  • How will having bitachon bring me closer to Hashem? And how will my life change?
  • How will being a ba’al bitachon make me into a happier, calmer person?
  • I’m far from a tzaddik! How can I expect Hashem to help me when I don’t deserve it?

Rabbi Yechezkel Abramov, head of the network of Kesser Torah Kollelim and confidant of Gedolei Yisrael, has been teaching thousands of Jews the answers to these questions and many more like them. In his famous vaadim on Sha’ar HaBitachon of the Chovos HaLevavos, Rabbi Abramov draws on the classical Torah sources, peppering them with a trove of stories, advice, and inspiration from Gedolim throughout the generations. The result was the popular sefer, B’Emunaso Yichyeh, an eye-opening practical guide on how we can all connect to Hashem by implementing bitachon into our daily lives. Now, this masterpiece, in a revised and expanded edition, is available for the English-speaking public as well, giving countless others the ability to transform their lives by Becoming a Ba’al Bitachon.

“This is an amazing sefer, and it needs to be published!”

Rav Chaim Kanievsky ztz”l

More Information
PublisherAdir Press
Number of pages423
Item #8368
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight1.780000 lbs.
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