A People, A Country, A Heritage

Torah Inspiration from the Land of Israel
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In this unique work, Rabbi Joshua Gerstein delves into the text of the Torah (and, specifically, the books of Bereshit and Shemot) with one goal in mind: to demonstrate that the Torah is a living and breathing guide with extraordinary relevance and insight for contemporary Jewish life. The imperative of Ahavat Yisrael, the centrality of the Land of Israel, the beauty of Jewish living, and the importance of Halacha and Torah study are among the main themes outlined in this work. Using a wide array of sources from Rishonim, Achronim, and contemporary Rabbinic scholarship, he weaves together an elaborate tapestry which is sure to leave readers with a newfound appreciation and understanding for the timeless text of the Torah.


"Ahavat Yisrael and love of the Land of Israel glow throughout the entire book, and I have no doubt that it will be warmly and lovingly accepted by those who are thirsty for the word of Hashem."
- Rabbi David Lau, Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel

"… this is a broad collection of first-class scholarship, presented in short, clearly written essays, radiating with a profound love of Torah, the Jewish people, and the Land of Israel."

- Rabbi Chanan Morrison, author of Gold from the Land of Israel

Author Bio :

Rabbi Joshua Gerstein, originally from Lancaster, Pennsylvania made Aliyah to Israel in 2007. He received his Semicha from Rabbi Shlomo Kassin of the Midrash Sephardi of Jerusalem, as well as from Rabbi Aharon Ziegler of Kollel Agudat Achaim. Rabbi Gerstein holds a B.A. in Psychology from Touro College and a M.A. in Jewish Education from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Since moving to Israel, he has served as the assistant Rabbi under Rav Nachman Kahana of Beit Knesset Chazon Yechezkel- the Young Israel of the Old City, and has taught Gemara and Jewish Thought in Jerusalem post-high school Yeshivot and gap year programs for North American youth. In addition, he served as a non-commissioned officer in the I.D.F. Rabbinate, where he was responsible for religious services and Jewish identity programming. Rabbi Gerstein lives in Jerusalem with his wife Devora and son Eli.

More Information
Dimensions6 X 9
PublisherMosaica Press
Number of pages252
Item #7415
Binding typeHard Cover
Weight1.225000 lbs.
Customer Reviews
  1. A Winner!
    Reading the commentaries from so many Gedolim was fascinating--from years past to current times. All in all, thoroughly informative in a very understandable way!

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  2. A Wonderful Addition to our Shabbos Table
    Rabbi Joshua Gerstein's insights into the weekly Parsha manage, seemingly and effortlessly, to weave the explanations of varied commentators from different periods and places into a unified tapestry elucidating the ideas he wishes to convey to the reader. A wonderful addition to our Shabbos table.

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  3. An insightful and inspiring book. Looking forward to his next work!
    A thought provoking and insightful book on the parsha. Brings a fresh new approach and adds much meaning to our Shabbat table.

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  4. excellent book
    author addresses contemporary Jewish themes, bringing in a wide range of classic and modern pillars of bible commentary in a succinct form, structure around the weekly bible portion. a breath of fresh air.

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