Chovas HaTalmidim:The Students' Obligation & Sheloshah Ma'amarim

Revealing the Hidden Potential of the Jewish Soul
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In the unspeakable tortures of the Warsaw Ghetto, a bright light shone: the guidance and holiness of the Piaseczna Rebbe, the spiritual leader and spiritual father to thousands of followers, until he was killed al kiddush Hashem. His saintly insight is preserved and presented in this beautiful volume, the work of a team of Torah scholars, who have rendered it into English, thus adding another jewel to the crown of the Feldheim Torah Classics Library.

Chovas Hatalmidim, the only one of his seforim that the Rebbe merited to publish in his lifetime, is a perfect blend of penetrating psychological insight and deep passion for Avodas Hashem. In it, the Rebbe explores the most effective approaches to achieve greatness in Torah learning and spiritual growth. The reader learns to discover himself, his strengths and weaknesses, and is inspired to reveal the latent potential in his Jewish soul. He develops a constant awareness of Hashem and His abiding love for him, and is motivated to work toward the greatness he was created for.

His words are a salve and a salvation for every reader; his messages are timeless and penetrating. Also included in this volume are Sheloshah Ma'amarim, which discusses Kabbalistic concepts and was highlighted for its importance by the Rebbe himself.

This is the first work in an exalted project to publish all the works of the Piaseczna Rebbe in English translation to make them available to the greater public.

More Information
SubtitleRevealing the Hidden Potential of the Jewish Soul
TranslatorRav Ahron Sorasky
Item #120
Customer Reviews
  1. Phenominal and Uplifting
    This Sefer/Book is a must read for any person who wants chizuk and wants to inprove his/her every day life. It really shows one how how to improve there AVODAS HASHEM to greater heights including BEIN ODOM LACHAVEIRO which in our society today leaves what to be desired with all that is out there already.

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